Manhaj (Methodology)



It has been reiterated by some of those with us here in Riyadh that you have refuted some of the various movements.

Shaykh Rabee:

Some of the what?

Some of the various movements

Shaykh Rabee:

Refuted them with speech and written works, so did you advise them before you refuted them?

Shaykh Rabee:

This is something which is known, it is well-known that I give advice, such thatthe closed minded Haddadis consider this to be blameworthy and (they consider this to be)Tamyee; may Allah fight them. By Allah, we do not do this except in order to protect the Salafis,By Allah I do not want for a hair of a Salafi to fall. If a person attributes himself to the SalafiMinhaj and he says, “I’m Salafi” and he associates with the Salafis and then he falls into a mistake, even something major, I am not quiet about it and all praises belong to Allah. I advise him, verbally and written to the best of my ability.

So the first person I advised was Abdur Rahman Abdul Khaliq, I advised him and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood, I used to advise them just like ibn Taymiyyah used to advise all of the different groups. I used to advise them and advise them, and then I saw that they would not accept anything and they did not want to change, so it was finished. We left them, and we began to write about their scholars, those whom had died and their beliefs had begun to spread and groups began to form around them. And there was no other possibility except for us to make clear what they were upon. And this was done as sincerity for Allah and for His Book and to protect the Salafi youth and to protect their intellects and their Aqeedah and their Minhaj; to protect them from this pervading thought.

Abdur Rahman Abdul Khaliq was my colleague he and I were in the same position for four years, may Allah bless you. And he was with us and with the Scholars and he was Salafi. And all that the Muslim has; is what is apparent. I do not know what this man conceals, what was apparent to us was Salafiyyah. He went to Kuwait, may Allah bless you, and good things were heard about him, and we encouraged him and we were pleased with his students. But we only felt that he had some ikhwani thoughts in his Minhaj and in his writings. So I wrote to him some advice, I wrote for him two booklets each one containing five pages explaining in detail the mistakes that he had fallen into.
He came to Medina; and he never came one time except that I would go to him at his brother’s house and advise him, and I would take him to my house and advise him, and I would take him in the car and advise him; and I would make clear to him the dangers of the Minhaj that he was treading upon. And I would strike for him examples of the people who used to be upon Salafiyyah but when they entered into politics they deviated and the end result of their students is that they became secularist as a result of them being preoccupied and engrossed in politics; may Allah bless you. And I advised him, and I advised him, and he is younger than me. And I received from him respect and appreciation and it was as though he was going to accept my view, but I noticed that he was following a specific path.

 I was patient many long years continuing in the advice. And his students and his friends would come to me and say, “Be patient with him and advise him, it will not be a problem. And I do not seek division, but when it reached the level that he began to insult the Scholars; saying about them, “Blind, kneeling upon the chest of the Ummah”; may Allah bless you. He would praise the different groups, and he saw that entering into these groups was jihad, and that increasing these groups was from jihad, etc. And he would insult the Salafi Minhaj, and he would say this Salafiyyah is blind following and that it is not worth anything. …And he would ridicule, and ridicule and he would say the Scholars don’t have with them anything of knowledge except for the peel, (Meaning they don’t have the core or the essence of the knowledge) and they don’t have with them any Tawheed except what they knew from Shaykh of Islam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, and this Salafiyyah is blind following, blindness, etc. Reviling, defaming the Salafi Minhaj and its Scholars. Something like this one cannot be quiet about, once it reaches this level and it becomes public and fitna. So I wrote a refutation against him, a strong refutation. He replied to me with lies. By Allah he does not refute me except withlies and deceit. So I refuted him a second time and a third time, but he opposed, may Allah bless you. Al Haddad, I advised him, Bashmeel, I advised him, Fareed, I advised him. I sat with them and I advised them.

 By Allah, I was devoted to keeping them from leaving the Salafi Minhaj, but they refused everything except defiance, rebellion and foolishness; may Allah bless you. Some of the people refuted Al Haddad and he attacked with all his faults, lies, and his fabrications. And he travels on a path; by Allah it resembles the path of Sadam’s destruction of the oil wells in Kuwait, he sets the books afire and sets its people on fire with his lies and wickedness. May Allah bless you. Salman, I advised him. Salman…In the issue of “The victorious group.” He depicted the people of hadith with a very ugly depiction far away from the reality and from what has been affirmed and witnessed by the reliable Scholars of this Ummah who bear witness. The witnesses of Allah upon this Ummah that the victorious group and the saved sect are one in the same and they are the people of hadith, included with them are those who adopt their Minhaj even if they are from the commoners, they are included in their numbers inshaAllah. He depicted them with a vile depiction. I wrote my book and sent it to him with Ahmad, Ahmad Al Abeed; I was his supervisor when he was going for his masters at the Islamic university. And another one from the Emirates, from Sharjah I forget his name. I sent my book to him and they put it in the hand of Salman. And I waited for a year and a half; seeking to obtain from him an answer either by phone or by letter or by way of another person. I did not receive an answer from him. I did not print my entire book I’m waiting; seeking to cut off the fitna, seeking harmony and seeking to unite and hoping for his return to the truth and for him to leave alone those things.

 I refuted him in the issue of “The victorious group” and concerning a number of his books, telling him he made mistakes here and here and here, and here is a dangerous mistake; may Allah bless you. And he portrayed Ahlus Sunna and the people of hadith with a very evil portrayal, saying that they do not enjoin the good and they do not forbid the evil, etc., etc. diminishing them. So I refuted him, based upon knowledge and the evidences and then I waited for an answer, but I didn’t receive an answer from him. I told them to print the book (The book refuting Salman); so they went and began to threaten the owner of Dar Sahab, because he’s Egyptian. They sent some people to threaten him about printing the book, they sent some officers.
He called me crying saying “they sent some officers; they sent one from the organization threatening me.”

 I said to him do not be afraid, never, do not believe them; go print the book. Then he went and printed the book. Then they came to me saying, O Shaykh look, we are brothers we are not dividing. I said to them, let Salman pronounce his return to the truth now and I will burn my book, and if not then I shall put it back out. He did not do anything, so I said, “spread the book, spread the book”. Bakr Abi Zaid, I advised him, may Allah bless you. I called him myself and I said to him, O Shaykh before this… (Giving a prelude to the advice) I advised him and there was a prelude to the advice and there was patience with him.

And the people were saying, “Refute him.” “Abandon him.”
 And I would say, “He is our brother, we will be patient, and we will excuse him. And when his book appeared, what’s the name of it? “Classification of the people between doubt and certainty”, the Hizbees published this book and they rejoiced over it and they spread it against the people of Medina. I called him and I said, “O Shaykh Bakr this book was put out against us.” He said, “I swear by Allah I did not write this against you”. “And you, I swear by Allah, I am at your service. I swear by Allah I did not intend you.” I said to him, “Did you intend the Haddadees?” He said to me, “Yes”. He said this to me in his office in Taif.

I said to him may Allah reward you with good, write two lines for the people, may Allah bless you. Say to them, I swear by Allah I did not intend our brothers in Medina. I said to him, and it’s said now that you are defending the Hizbees. He said, I swear by Allah I did not intend except to defend Sheik bin Baz and his brothers. I said to him, write another line. Write two lines only, saying that you did not intend the people of Medina. And that you were only defending the Scholars like Shaykh Bin Baz and his brothers. Then leave the people to spread this. He said to me, “agreed”. I waited and waited, and I waited for a period of time and nothing came to us. 
The people were contacting the youth from here and from there and they were spreading the book. The Salafis were being burned, I said no, we will be patient, he is our brother we will be patient. And he promised (to do) a retraction since (the month of) Muharam approximately until Ramadan. When there appeared some papers from him that were being spread, they were being spread may Allah bless you. They were being passed out in Ramadan during the last ten days, they spread it against the Salafis, and may Allah bless you. I called him; I said O Shaykh Bakr, he said “Yes.”I said,I have with me four papers (I don’t knowI forgot now, maybe four papers).

I have in front of me papers with your signature on them and they contain oppression of the Salafis, and they contain this and that. And they contain a defense of Sayid Qutb with falsehood. I want to know, and your name is on it, if it is from you O Shaykh Bakr, I request from you an apology, and if it is from other than you then I request that you free yourself from it. He said, I swear by Allah they want to divide the brothers, they are corruption makers, they are oppressive; and he began to criticize them. I said to him, all of that is just talk and it is of no use, either you apologize, O Shaykh Bakr or you free yourself from it if it is not from you; may Allah bless you. He said to me, and I don’t remember exactly what it was but the meaning was, give me an expectation. I said you have two weeks, because the affair is very dangerous.

I began to write that same night, if he apologizes then all praises belong to Allah, if not then I will distribute my refutation.(Someone) said to me: What is your view if I go to Shaykh Bakr Abi Zaid and request an apology from him? I said, go to him, may Allah reward you. I swear by Allah I am not eager to spread this refutation, and it is a very strong refutation, extremely forceful. I said to him I swear by Allah I am not eager to spread this refutation; you can speak two words and it will be enough, I will burn the book. So he went and sat with him for two and a half hours, then he returned to me happy saying, “He promised me that he was going to write something and apologize.”I sat and waited; nothing (happen). The People said, ‘O our brother spread your book, these pages he wrote are spreading throughout the world; with falsehood.’ And we have very limited publishing capabilities just one copy that is print quality in the Emirates and I was sent some cartons of books, I stopped the book. I had (Shaykh) Fawzan mediate for a year; nothing (happen) (Shaykh) Luhaydan mediated for a year; nothing. (Shaykh) Sadlan mediated no response. I was forced to publish the book but with tight restrictions, very tight restrictions. This was my advice and position with Bakr Abi Zaid.

Safar, I used to advise him from long ago, and my son advised him. And finally when there appeared from him the appearance of Irja the people began to refute him. And there remained in the beginning of the book some things that no one had warned against. I said: This is my portion. And I debated with him concerning some dangerous issues, may Allah bless you. And I sent it to him. I sent it with Zahraani, and of course Zahraani is the cousin of Al Ghamadi, mayAllah bless you. They gave him the papers. And they said: Shaykh Rabee sends you the Salaam. And he said: These papers are advice for you, and it is for you to respond; meaning either in the negative or the positive. They saw his face change. He said: InshaAllah, next week come back to me. He came the next week and said to him: Where is the response? He said: By Allah, until now I do not have it, but come to me next week. He came to him the next week and said: Where is the response? He said: I do not have a response. So he gave him another week. I am writing a book now, stronger than the first, written on a day of anger. Containing speech—We seek refuge in Allah from trials—where I refuted him with a comprehensive complete refutation. I presented it to some of the major Scholars, from them was Shaykh Fawzan. He said: Leave him. Shaykh An Najmi had some speech that was faint. While some of them encouraged me. I said: Enough, I will stop until the appropriate arises. Until now I have not spread my book. The refutation is from the strongest, and all praises belong to Allah.

 AlAskar, he was our friend. Bashmeel began to play him. Abdul Aziz Al‘Askar, I advised him. I believe I advised him in Madina. We advised him and he was evasive, and he would dodge and elude. And it appeared that he was with us, we did not have any feeling except that he would remove his statement, he would remove his statement, may Allah bless you. His statements were very heinous containing oppression and lies against Shaykh Al Albani and more against me. They refuted him and I said: This refutation is sufficient. And I search my library and I do not know if I have this book now. I got my hands on a treatise entitled “Lessons in Prophecies.” I opened it and Allah willed that there was in front of me some of the speech contained therein that was transmitted from Deedat that he transmitted from the author of the book “Truth Revealed”. He said: “How excellent was he, we he said: Verily Isa (Jesus) is the son of Yusuf the carpenter!

I said: I seek refuge in Allah. This is the slander of the Jews against Maryum and Isa, how can this person say he is Salafi, and he is in Al Imaan Univeristy spreading this text being pleased with the person who explained it. By Allah, if Shaykh ibn Baz would have said this I would have refuted him. And I will refute this disgrace, tribulation and misguidance, may Allahbless you. I wrote it and I sent it to Shaykh Al Abaad, and Shaykh Fawzan. They said: “Leave him, leave him, leave him, leave him.”

I do not seek to get into confrontation with my brothers and with these Scholars. I said, it is finished, we will leave him. They said: He is ignorant, abandon him, leave him. By Allah I left him. I say now to the people of Riyaad, go and inform Al‘Askar, either he abandons his lessons in Prophecies, or I will bring my refutation against him; may Allah bless you. And Safar apologizes so that I will not bring my book against him, inshaAllah. The point is, Adnan Aroor (I advised him for) six years, Abu Hasan (I advised him for) seven years, there is not one of them except that I advised him in writing and verbally, committed to keeping the unity. And if I saw two Salafi brothers and it were feared that they might divide I tried to unite them. And I always try to make peace between the Salafis. They divide in Indonesia, I try to make peace between them, and in Palestine I try to make peace between them, in Morocco I try to make peace between them, in whatever place it may be I try to bringabout reconciliation; may Allah bless you. My intention in this is that the Salafis do not differ therefore I try to bring about reconciliation between them, and I advise them concerning each other.

 So if a person affiliates himself to Salafiyyah and then he opposes it I refute him after I have exhausted my advice to him. Like this I refute him, and this is done as an advice to him. I ask Allah that He grants us sincerity in this, not doing it to be seen by the people.
Faalih Al Harbee, how much have I advised him?! I advised him for years and years. In the end I wrote him a private letter between him and I, and he refused to respond. Then later he spread the letter without me being pleased with this. Then a month and a half, or two months later he began to war against us; this shameless, unjust war which is built upon lies and based upon wickedness. All of them want division my brothers, they have a plan that they are traversing upon and they feel compelled to carry this plan out. And for this reason he never returns from the design that has been outlined for him. Therefore I refute him; the blame is upon me and not upon them?!
The blame is upon them, I swear by Allah .Shaykh Al Albany is at the head of those who refute, and sometimes he gives advice. Sheikh Bin Baz is at the head of those who refute and sometimes he gives advice. Because I wish to give advice, I advise, I am devoted to this thing in order to unite the word of the Salafis and in protection of the Salafi Minhaj. And on this occasion, sometimes I mention these things because I am faced with threats and I am faced with lies, and I am faced with propaganda and rumors. And the student of knowledge or the scholar, if it becomes necessary for him to mention his superiority in actions in order to confront and defeat the liars then he has the right to do so and this is something which has been legislated.

 Uthman may Allah be pleased with him; when they began to slander him and seek to overthrow his rule and insult him he said, did I not do such and such on this day, did I not provide provisions to the troubled army, did I not dig the well of Rome did I not do this did I not do that. S'ad bin Waqas when he was insulted he said, I swear by Allah as relates to the Muslims I swear by Allah, I am the first to shoot an arrow in the path of Allah. He defended his honor with this statement and repelled the plot of the plotters. And now if we mention something from our efforts then it is for this reason, I swear by Allah I do not seek anything other than this, except to suppress and deter those wicked ones, those who accuse us of what we are free from and they do not war with us except with lies. Not one of them, Abdul Rahman, Abu Hasan, Al-Magharawi, Al-Haddad, Faalih, they are notable to war with us because they are upon falsehood, they are not able to battle the truth.

Translated by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee

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